You have a PM
many witnesses in my opinion know nothing about the religion.
they don’t understand the history, the doctrines or the bible.
many people become jws because they were raised as witnesses so they take the plunge.
You have a PM
many witnesses in my opinion know nothing about the religion.
they don’t understand the history, the doctrines or the bible.
many people become jws because they were raised as witnesses so they take the plunge.
Unfortunately, hindsight is always 20-20.
I know this doesn't answer your question, but to simply answering "No" would be stating the obvious!
asia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?.
Correction: that website should have been
asia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?.
IQ levels do vary considerably both between countries, and also between different groups of countries. See for example the website
This survey and other similar ones consistently identify the highest IQ levels as being - not in the "white" countries, but in East Asia. Typically, country-by-country IQ surveys place Singapore, South Korea and Japan as amongst the top four or five.
European civilisation was not always the world leader. That has only come about in the last 500 or so years. Prior to then, Asia was very much in front - and by the way things are going, could well be poised to once more steal the show!
i believe in rational explanations for everything, whether they are understood yet or not.
medication used to be considered 'magic' until understood how it worked.
on the subject of telepathy, for me it's very subtle but has happened many times.
There are cases of observable phenomena that, despite centuries of research, still remain unexplained.
One such case that comes to mind is that of ball lightning (something that grabbed my attention at the age of 13, when a fireball narrowly missed our house before demolishing the electricity substation opposite!). At a recent seminar on lightning protection, I heard a university lecturer admit that it was something that had been, to quote "puzzling researchers for centuries." Furthermore, according to him, until about 100 years ago, ball lightning had been dismissed as nonsense.
By no means is all that is to know yet known to science!
i believe in rational explanations for everything, whether they are understood yet or not.
medication used to be considered 'magic' until understood how it worked.
on the subject of telepathy, for me it's very subtle but has happened many times.
Certainly, such things as body language and the subconscious mind should not be underestimated. It is said that as much as 80% of all communication is non-verbal, while the subconscious mind remains something of an unexplored territory.
However, what I observed while working amongst what might be termed "indigenous persons" could not be put down to body language, and occurred far too frequently to be coincidence (or the result somebody eating a meal of indigestible food, then suffering a bad attack of flatulence!). Admittedly, some of it was a direct result of their highly developed powers of observation, added to a lifetime of experience - leading to what might at first sight seem uncanny skills at tracking (as in the case of Australian Aborigines, or the San people of southern Africa). Even so, there were still many occurrences that went beyond what observation and experience could have explained.
Okay, "Supernatural" is a rather loaded term. What I repeatedly saw during my time in Papua New Guinea, though, defies explanation from scientific thought at its current level of understanding. I would sure like to know what was going on!
i believe in rational explanations for everything, whether they are understood yet or not.
medication used to be considered 'magic' until understood how it worked.
on the subject of telepathy, for me it's very subtle but has happened many times.
i believe in rational explanations for everything, whether they are understood yet or not.
medication used to be considered 'magic' until understood how it worked.
on the subject of telepathy, for me it's very subtle but has happened many times.
Medication used to be considered 'magic' until understood how it worked.
Considered "magic" by some, and written off as nonsense by the more narrow-minded. Let that be a warning!
i believe in rational explanations for everything, whether they are understood yet or not.
medication used to be considered 'magic' until understood how it worked.
on the subject of telepathy, for me it's very subtle but has happened many times.
I have previously drawn some flak for saying these things on this site, but I will repeat once more (mainly because I don't &#*king care!).
During the seventeen or so years I lived and worked in Papua New Guinea, I was continually amazed at the ease with which many of the local people could locate objects that others had lost. These included events that had happened totally outside their previous experience, so it was not as if they were subconsciously drawing on past events to reach the conclusions that they did, either.
It did go further than locating lost objects, too. I did see similar happening with the tracking down of persons who went "missing" and didn't want to be found (The rest I will leave to your imagination!) Likewise for the arrival of the coastal steamer which services the New Guinea Islands. It runs strictly to an "Islands Time" type of schecule - i.e. +/- a day or two each way. Yet, to the continual astonishment of the Expatriate community, the local people always knew exactly when that steamer was going to arrive at their wharf.
We once used to hear a lot about "Extra-Sensory Perception" (ESP). There could well be much more yet to learn on that subject.
anyone remember 1992?
i can remember i was in the cult.
times were changing at a rapid pace.
Then the year before that, in 1991, there was the first Gulf War. A number of JWs got very excited about this event, also. A certain prize act who gave the public talk at our hall just after the Coalition Forces went on the attack (i.e. Norman Swartzkopf's "Operation Desert Sword") is on record as telling us:
"Brothers, for years The Society has been warning that Armegeddon is 'just around the corner'. We are now past that, and staring down the home straight."
Later that year saw the disintegration of the Soviet Union, plus all the upheaval that followed in its wake. From the platform, we were urged to "keep close watch on world events", for all the indicators were "the strongest they have been since 1975", and that all this was coming directly from " The Society" (The term Governing Body having not yet come into common currency). This was all stated in a talk at that year's District Convention.
As if Berlin Walls, Tianamen Squares, Gulf Wars, Soviet Unions or whatever have anything to do with anything.
(Bloody long "Home Straight" he was talking about, too!)